
Aber High Sugar Grass

Bringing you higher levels of digestibility, persistency and nitrogen-use efficiency.

If you are after improved pasture persistence, feed quality and environmental benefits, here’s the solution: Aber high sugar ryegrasses and clovers.

The Aber range of high-quality ryegrasses and clovers has been tested across diverse farming systems and growing conditions, and continues to demonstrate superior pasture quality, persistence and digestibility.

Farmers have observed livestock showing a clear grazing preference for Aber HSG pastures over other ryegrasses and seen increases in dairy milk production and the live-weight gains of sheep and cattle.

Upper Murray Seeds Pty Ltd is the exclusive distributor of Aber seed products in Australia.

Lift animal production with Aber® High Sugar Grass.


D-value is the key

The Difference is Digestibility

A more digestible plant offers more energy and more digestible organic content comprised of protein, lipids (oils) and carbohydrates (sugar and digestible fibre), therefore its digestibility value (D-value) is a key measure of forage quality. A plant with 650gms of digestible organic matter per 1kg of total drymatter is the same as having 65% digestible organic matter or a D-value of 65.

In an independently measured trial the Aber ryegrasses were consistently ahead of modern control varieties with the perennials AberMagic and AberGreen averaging 70.4 and 70.9 in spring-to-autumn harvests in the third year – their extra 5-to-5.5 D-value units equating to 1.4 litres of extra milk per cow per day.